Monday, May 30, 2011

Job Interviews - an Introduction

So, your Resume/Profile has got you a foot in the door.....Now it’s up to you to convince the employer that you are the best person for the job. It’s time to sell your skills, your experience and most importantly sell yourself!

Although your technical abilities are important, interviewers don’t only consider your qualifications and on-job experience. Employers use interviews to assess:
  • Your communication skills
  • Your ability to articulate your views
  • Your ability to perform under pressure
  • Your ability to think on your feet
  • Your personality
Therefore the way you answer the questions is as important as the content of the answer.  They will also be considering:
  • Whether you will fit into their current team
  • Whether you will fit in with the company culture 
  • Whether you will fit their management styles/ethos

This is why you must "know your enemy" - well that's a bit dramatic, but it's certainly a good idea to do some research into to the company culture, views, visions, mission statements etc.