Tuesday, June 14, 2011

During the interview - my top 10 things to remeber

Things to keep in mind during the interview:
  • Show enthusiasm – there is nothing worse than interviewing a personal who gives the impression they do not want to be there.
  • Be confident, but not cocky or arrogant.
  • Listen to the question – do not cut the interviewers off. Let them finish their questions before you answer.
  • Think about your answers. Do not be afraid to think, pause or ask the interviewer to repeat or clarify a question. 
  • Speak slowly and clearly – make sure that the interviewers fully understand your responses.
  • Give real life examples to back up your answers and speak in the active first person - i.e. " I did...", "I was responsible for...". 
  • Use open body language. Open your body to the interviewer, and be sure to give eye contact.
  • Answer the person who asked the question. It is tempting to find 1 person to talk to – the one you perceive as the nicest (easiest to convince), but make sure that you connect with the person who asked the question. Interviews find it frustrating when an interviewee only talks to 1 interviewer.
  • Do not be afraid to laugh with the interviewers. This does not mean that you should start telling jokes, but there is nothing wrong with being light-hearted if the opportunity is there. An interview does not need to be formal for the entire duration. If you are relaxed and this will rub off on the interviewers.
  • Ask questions – do not wait until the end to ask questions, if the opportunity arises during the interview ask the question. A flowing conversational interview is easier for all concerned.