Friday, June 3, 2011

Interview Tip - Dress to impress

Wearing out
Make sure that you know what you are going to wear. If possible a day or 2 before the interview make sure that everything is clean, pressed and shoes polished. At that stage you still have time to do something about it.

Dress for success
No matter what the job, always dress to impress.

Wear you best suit for the occasion – make sure that your clothes are clean and pressed. Neutral, clean colours are best. Keep it classic.

You would be surprised how many people look at your shoes. Shoes are probably one of the most under-rated articles of clothing – especially by men.

You could be wearing the best looking suit imaginable, but if your shoes are old, scuffed and dirty you may as well be wearing your PJs. It does not take much to run a bit of polish over your shoes the night before the interview and it can make a huge difference – oh, and be sure to polish shoes the night before and not once you have your nice clean white shirt on – Murphy’s Law saws that you WILL get show polish on yourself!

There are different views on glasses, but I would say wear them. There are a few reasons for this. Glasses will generally soften the face and make your eyes look larger which in turns makes you look more friendly, approachable and interested. Like it or not there is also the old subconscious stereotype that glasses make you look more intelligent – yes, it’s a stereotype, but use it to your advantage.

Now a couple of gender specific things
For Ladies
  • there is nothing wrong with wearing a trouser suit
  • revealing is not good. Despite the old comedy stereotypes, short skirts and low cut tops will not get you a job.

For Gents
It is said that coloured shirts on men show confidence, but be mindful that heat and stress cause perspiration and if invited to remove your jacket, a coloured shirt may disclose your anxiety more than a white shirt.

A white shirt is by far the safest option.