Friday, September 16, 2011

Employer FAQ – We have our own candidate database. What value does BeFound add?

Employer Q – We have our own candidate database. What value does BeFound add?

A – Having an internal candidate database is a great idea and it is a great recruitment tool.

BeFound takes concept of jobseeker databases to the next level.

The problem with internal databases is that they quickly become out of date. Once a jobseeker has uploaded their resume there is no prompt or incentive to go back and update their account. More often then not it’s a case up “upload, leave and hope for the best”.

At BeFound we stay in regular contact with jobseekers giving them both prompts and incentives to keep their profiles up to date. BeFound is an interactive and evolving on-line profile tool for jobseekers – they have to engage and think about their profiles so they are more likely to keep them current and up to date.

The other thing that BeFound offers is access to candidates nationally and across all industries. For example, if a large bank was looking for a Grounds Keeper or Landscape Gardener for their head office site, it is unlikely that they would find such a person on their internal database. BeFound on the other hand contains profiles for all roles from CFO to Car Washer and everything in between!

By restricting your search to an internal database only, is restricting your reach. You are relying on jobseekers know a) about your company and b) that you have a database where they can register. BeFound is marketed in many ways to invite jobseekers to register, including TV, Radio, Print and Web-based advertising.

We attract a diverse range of people with a diverse range of skills.

BeFound should not be viewed as an alternative to your internal database; it should be viewed as a complimentary tool.

Search your internal dataset first. If you find someone – job done! If not – have a look on BeFound. It’s free to search so there is not risk and no cost. If you find someone on BeFound – great! If not them go through your normal marketing and sourcing processes.

The thing to realize about BeFound is that it only costs you the time to perform a few easy searches. If you find someone you have potentially saved a huge amount of time and money. If you do not find the right person all you have lost is 5 minutes of your time – you spend longer than that waiting in a queue for your coffee each morning!  Try it now!  Click here and see how easy it is.  You do not even have to register to search and browse.