Friday, September 23, 2011

Once upon a time .....

Once upon a time, in a land not so far away, lived Buzz Eeyaz. Buzz worked hard. He had built successful business. Such was his renown, he was becoming very busy, working harder and longer than ever before.

All this work meant he saw less of his family. Buzz decided to seek help.He went to visit the fabled Recruitment Hill where he met Rhys Hoarser, and the mystical Headly Hunter.

Rhys , dressed in a Teflon coated suit, stood in front of a locked wooden door holding a large rusty key.

“Behind our doors we hold the details of hundreds of people matching your requirements” he stated with an air of confidence “Sign this contract, cross my palm with silver and I will release some to you.”

“How much silver?” enquired Buzz.

“To start with, just enough to stop you from talking to Headly, but not too much to scare you off”

“Start?” Buzz said bemused “When do we finish”

“If you employ someone you must cross my palm with yet more silver.” Rex asserted.

Buzz wished he had the time to seek assistance himself, but alas he had not. The last time he had tried, his business was overwhelmed by the level of enquiry. He simply could not bear the intrusion on his time. He went on to meet Headley.

Headley stood amidst a vale of smoke surrounded by mirrors. A booming voice filled the air. “Behind my door I hold hundreds of people matching your requirements. I will release the best 2 to you. If you like them you must cross my palm with gold.” Buzz could not help picturing a scene out of The Wizard of Oz and chuckled to himself.

“Head Hunting in an art form – a serious and sometimes dangerous undertaking…”

Buzz had heard enough. Before Headly had finished Buzz was off down the hill feeling very annoyed.

He tossed and turned all that night. Just as he finally drifted off a faint green light appeared in the corner of the room. A kind, smiling face appeared in the shaft of light. “Hello Buzz” a gentle voice said softly “I’d like to help you. Take this looking glass. With it you will be able to see thousands of candidates including those held prisoner on Recruitment Hill.”

“And how much does this looking glass cost?” asked Buzz suspiciously.

“The looking glass is free. You don’t have to pay for it – ever. Use it as often as you need. Find people that you want – they’re out there waiting to be found.”

“Then what? ” Buzz thought “ When was she going mention the catch?’

“If you find someone you like and give them a job I’ll ask you to cross my palm with one piece of silver” came the calm response.

“So you’re going to give me this looking glass – for free – which allows me to look through the doors on Recruitment Hill and other doors besides. If I find someone using the looking glass and give them a job I pay you one piece of silver? Do you think I was born yesterday? What’s the catch?”

“The catch is this Buzz- there is no catch” the lady said with a direct an honest gaze. “ The only risks are you will have more time to spend with your family, you will spend less money in the process and you’ll get a good night’s sleep.”